愛知・南知多町のGallery ASSEMBLAGEさんで、写真集「in the pen.」を販売して頂いております。お近くにお越しの際は、是非お立ち寄りください。
写真集「in the pen.」ーnew available
This is a collection of photographs of nature in Chita Peninsula, Aichi. In spring, the frogs awaken from their slumber in the tree caves. A small grasshopper in the grass. They have to survive for several months before they become adults. In early summer, the beach is decorated with flowers of seaside plants. In autumn, the sea-borne butterfly, the Asagi-madara, with its tattered wings, used to visit the peninsula. The ever-changing nature. We hope that this book will help you to think about the nature that surrounds you in your daily life.
■size 182 mm × 257 mm
■144 pages
■All texts are in Japanese.
※This book has no surface treatment to preserve the feel of the paper. If you are concerned about the deterioration of the cover, please use a book cover.
HANAYASURI BOOKS ショッピングサイトよりご購入いただけます。
You can purchase from HANAYASURI BOOKS shopping site.
告知 announcement of new photo book
2022年1月、写真集「in the pen.」を発行します。知多半島における自然の様子を撮影した写真、200枚を掲載しています。インターネットからの購入方法につきましては、来月あらためて、このブログでお知らせ致します。
In January 2022 we will publish a photo book “in the pen.” It contains 200 nature photos taken in the Chita peninsula. Information on how to buy the book will be posted on this blog next month.
SCENE in the pen. 067
“Cricket moves quickly”
There was a cricket on fallen leaves. When it noticed me, it quickly ducked under the leaves. Then it hid and didn’t move. [SEPTEMBER 2021]
Loxoblemmus campestris
SCENE in the pen. 066
“Goji berry”
I was walking along the beach in autumn. The colors of the early summer beach plants were no more. There were Goji berries on a thin branch at my feet. It was shining brightly on the cold beach. [October 2021]
Lycium chinense
SCENE in the pen. 065
“Red berries rustling in the wind”
The edge of the woods. There was a thin tree with green leaves. Red berries that grow from the same base as the leaves. Its leaves and berries are distinctive and pretty. [November 2021]
Ilex pedunculosa
SCENE in the pen. 064
“Berries of the Hiyodori-jogo”
In the middle of autumn, berries of various colors are noticeable. I saw bright red berry on a vine. That’s “Hiyodori-jogo.” Hiyodori means the Brown-eared Bulbul. That berries can be seen even in the winter, and look brilliant in the dead fields. [November 2021]
Solanum lyratum
SCENE in the pen. 063
“Stag beetles gathering in tree sap”
In the woods after the rain. The surface of the oak tree was covered with sap in places. A few stag beetles were visiting. Same species, but with different shapes. They walked around on the trunk. Nearby, a beetle nuzzled its face into the sap and didn’t move an inch. [AUGUST 2021]
Prosopocoilus inclinatus
SCENE in the pen. 062
“Dragonfly with a straw yellow color”
As I walked around the rice fields, I saw a dragonfly perched on a sasa. It was a female common skimmer. It is also known “Mugiwara-tombo.” Mugiwara means straw, and the color of its body is its origin. The common skimmer is very friendly and will sometime perch on a bag slung over your shoulder. They have always been very close to people. [AUGUST 2021]
Orthetrum albistylum speciosum
SCENE in the pen. 061
“White flowers with red lips”
The white flowers were tinged with lipstick red. It’s a vine that thrives in many place, in the field and in the city. It has strong odor when scratched. In the fall, it bears brown berries. [JULY 2021]
Paederia scandens