SCENE in the pen. 081

“Aloe’s flowers”

Aloe was introduced from abroad during the Edo period. It was valued as a folk medicine and is often seen planted along the coast. In winter, when flowers are scarce, aloe flowers add bright colours to the landscape. [JANUARY 2025]

Aloe arborescens



SCENE in the pen. 080

“Red berries of Japanese roses”

Winter is the season when the berries of the grass and trees stand out in the field. Japanese roses had white flowers in summer. Now they are glowing their red berries in the winter afternoon light. Their colors are bright and beautiful.  [DECEMBER 2024]

Rosa paniculigera



SCENE in the pen. 079

“Butterfly crossing the ocean”

In October I visited a shrine on a hill by the sea in the south of peninsula. Two butterflies were flying over Eupatorium flowers. They come across the sea. In this area, those that have moved south have crossed over the Atsumi peninsula, and will now fly to Kii peninsula. Their pale blue wings were beautiful. [October 2024]

Parantica sita



SCENE in the pen. 078

“Cricket in decaying tree”

In the lingering summer heat, I visited the forest on the beginning. The forest was first one visited for this observation five years ago. I walked up the hill in the forest and put my hands together in front of a small shrine. When I turned around, a cricket popped up in the grass. It was a cricket living in a decaying tree. I hadn’t met him yet, so I wonder if he had gone out of his way to come out and see me. [September 2024]

Duolandrevus ivani



SCENE in the pen. 077

“Grasshopper singing loudly”

In September, I visited the fields where the crickets and grasshoppers live at night. When I got out of the car, I heard lots of the sound in the grass and rice fields along the railway. There were grasshoppers singing loudly over the sound of the running railway. They are only found here on the Pen. When I shone the light on him, he stopped singing and remained still for a while before leaping away into the grass on strong legs. [September 2024]

Mecopoda elongata



SCENE in the pen. 076

“Grasshopper singing in summer”

A grasshopper was found in the grass at a small shrine. Japanese katydid differ in shape between western and eastern Japan. Wing length vary from long to short. In summer, they are among the first to start singing in the grass. When autumn arrives, they stop singing and end their lives. [August 2024]

Gampsocieis buergeri




SCENE in the pen. 075

“Crabs in holes on the beach”

Summer beach in the Chita peninsula. There were many holes in the sand. Numerous balls of sand around the hole. I decided to move away from the hole and see what happened. After a while, a crab showed its face from the hole, looking around. Then it went outside and started making sand balls. But when I moved just a little, it sensed my presence and instantly hid in the hole. It was just a moment. [JULY 2024]




SCENE in the pen. 074

“Spawning of puffer fish”

Many puffer fish were gathered under the wave blocks in the fishing port. They spawn on shallow, gravelly beaches before high tide, just before the full moon. Puffer fish left behind the beach also return to the sea at high tide. [JUNE 2024]

Takifugu alboplumbeus




SCENE in the pen. 073

“Spring cicada”

May. Walking through a wooded area by the highway, I heard the sound of insects from the pine tree tops. There were that of spring cicadas. Their numbers are declining on the peninsula and I have heard them for the first time in the last five years. I kept stopping and listening the sound of the wind through the woods, the bird and them. [MAY 2024]

Yezoterpnosia vacua






〇四季折々の知多の自然のこと=カテゴリー「SCENE in the pen.」


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