“LIFE in a small field 24”
A ladybird beetle with two red spots is walking on a vetch stalk in the cold spring rain. Their patterns are rich in variation. [APRIL]
Harmonia axyridis
“LIFE in a small field 24”
A ladybird beetle with two red spots is walking on a vetch stalk in the cold spring rain. Their patterns are rich in variation. [APRIL]
Harmonia axyridis
“LIFE in a small field 23”
A dark evening brown that appeared in heavy rain. Perched on a tree trunk and waiting for the rain to subside. [JULY]
Melanitis phedima
“LIFE in a small field 22”
An immature damselfly is resting on a leaf of bush clover. Her orange body gradually turns light blue. [SEPTEMBER]
Ischnura asiatica
“LIFE in a small field 21”
A green grasshopper is about to hide behind the grass. They sing with a faint sound, and their sound is getting faster and faster. [SEPTEMBER]
Ducetia japonica
“LIFE in a small field 20”
A small hummingbird hawk-moth with wings like dead leaves rests on a branch. They suck the nectar of the flowers while hovering. [AUGUST]
Neogurelca himachala sangaica
“LIFE in a small field 19”
An elongated rice bug is walking on the ear of green foxtail. [JULY]
Leptocorisa chinensis
“LIFE in a small field 18”
In heavy rain, one blue-tailed forest hawk is perched on the tip of a bamboo pole. They often come here from summer to autumn. [JULY]
Orthetrum triangulare melania
“LIFE in a small field 17”
On rainy ground, a spider-hunting wasp is looking for food of her larva. [JULY]
Cyphononyx fulvognathus
“LIFE in a small field 16”
A short-tailed blue that opens its wings on the grass. The color of ultramarine is noticeable. [JUNE]
Everes argiades
“LIFE in a small field 15”
A lady beetle with white dots doesn’t move on the wall. [MARCH]
Calvia muiri