“LIFE in a small field 42”
The spring sunshine is soft. A yellow butterfly is resting hanging on the vetch leaves. [APRIL]
Eurema hecabe
“LIFE in a small field 42”
The spring sunshine is soft. A yellow butterfly is resting hanging on the vetch leaves. [APRIL]
Eurema hecabe
“LIFE in a small field 41”
The Indian fritillary is visiting the grapefruits flowers under the bright spring sunshine. Their larvae eat violet leaves. [MAY]
Argynnis hyperbius
“LIFE in a small field 40”
The autumn field where the air became cold. A pale grass blue is looking over here from the top of the dead cosmos. [OCTOBER]
Zizeeria maha
“LIFE in a small field 39”
The praying mantis spreads its legs on the stalk of the dead daisy fleabane and overlooks the field. [AUGUST]
Tenodera aridifolia
“LIFE in a small field 38”
In autumn, a straight swift is perched on the leaf of kudzu. Silver spots line up on the wings. [SEPTEMBER]
Parnara guttata
“LIFE in a small field 37”
A weevil is roaming behind the perilla leaves. [AUGUST]
Pseudocneorhinus bifasciatus
知多半島の写真を紹介する「in the pen.」。2月後半です。
“LIFE in a small field 36”
A white-spotted moth is perched on the tip of a bamboo leaf. Their wing spots resemble the pattern of deer children. [JUNE]
Amata fortunei
“LIFE in a small field 35”
A japanese oakblue opens its wings on the ridges of the field. They don’t visit the flowers to suck nectar. [JUNE]
Narathura japonica
“LIFE in a small field 34”
A longhorn beetle with a red body is on bamboo grass. Their larvae feed on bamboo and grow. [MAY]
Purpuricenus temminckii