SCENE in the pen. 009

“Butterfly with eye pattern”

On the ground of the field, a dark-colored butterfly fluttered. It has some eye patterns with its wings. Hikage-cho (means butterfly in the shade) is a member of bush-footed butterfly. When walking down the wooded area, it appears quickly, it will be hidden among the trees again.  [MAY 2021]

Lethe sicelis




SCENE in the pen. 008

“Pink little orchid”

From May to June, you may see small pink flowers in the park. The flowers bloom spirally from the lower part to the top around stem. This pink flower appears in the same place every year. It’s small and quiet flower, but its appearance is beautiful.  [JUNE 2021]

Spiranthes sinensis




SCENE in the pen. 007

“Bird’s nest”

In the woods, a bird’s nest had fallen on the bank of stream. A nest woven from the fibers of the same plant. It must have fallen from the tree due to the wind and rain.  [MAY 2021]


SCENE in the pen. 006

“Beach pea”

Beach peas color a part of beach in May in purple. Before the sunset, the beach pea that shines on the dim beach is fantastic.  [MAY 2021]

Lathyrus japonicus




SCENE in the pen. 005

“Blue admiral larva”

A butterfly larva is eating the leaf of the greenbrier. Its adult is a blue admiral. Since it spends winter with adults, it appears early in spring field. This larva will grow up in the summer. The orange pattern stands out.  [MAY 2021]

Kaniska canace 





SCENE in the pen. 004

“Nettle-tree butterfly”

The day after the rain, a butterfly is absorbing water in a puddle. Nettle-tree butterfly. It often appears near the woods. The pointed head is characteristic.  [MAY 2021]

Libythea celtis




SCENE in the pen. 003

“White flower on the beach”

In early summer, many flowers bloom on the beach. The siberian sea flower is a flower whose number is decreasing. The habitat is limited. Invited by sweet scent, insects come.  [APRIL 2021]

Heliotropium japonicum




SCENE in the pen. 002

“Bright purple flowers”

Flowers are blooming gathered on thin brunches. It’s “Murasaki-shikibu.” This name comes from an ancient literary woman. In autumn, there are many bright purple fruits.  [JUNE 2021]

Callicarpa japonica




in the pen. APRIL 1st.

知多半島の写真を紹介する「in the pen.」。4月前半です。



in the pen. 4月(1)